Hear me roar in the storm!

O'er tempests of fury and tides of despair,
I rise and I conquer, unyielding and rare.
Amidst the dark skies and the clouds full of dread,
Hear me roar in the storm, as the tempest is bred.
With thunderous might, like a lion untamed,
My spirit ignites, and my fears are unchained.
The heavens do tremble, the earth shakes below,
As I find my strength, and my courage doth grow.
The gales that surround me shall carry my cry,
A testament fierce to the heavens on high.
I wield the storm's wrath as a sword in my hand,
A force unrelenting, no mortal withstands.
In the eye of the tempest, my heart finds its calm,
A sanctuary steady, a soul-healing balm.
The fury outside, it does mirror my might,
As I roar through the storm, and I conquer the night.